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Withdrawal / Suspension / Reducing

Wthdrawal are due to the failure to meet the accreditation specifications for certain reasons. Due to the confidentiality provisions contained in the TAF Rules , the reasons for withdrawal of the listed facilities can not be disclosed.

{{$t("message.unitNoPunish")}} {{$t("message.punishOrgCertUnitName")}} {{$t("message.add")}} {{$t("message.terminationDate")}}
{{dataItem.unitNo}} {{dataItem.institutionName[locale]}} - {{dataItem.unitName[locale]}} {{dataItem.address[locale]}} {{dataItem.punishStartDate ? dataItem.punishStartDate.substring(0,10) : ""}}

Suspension are due to the failure to meet the accreditation specifications for certain reasons. From the date of suspension, the right to use the accreditation symbol of TAF will be suspended. Suspended bodies will be reinstated after confirming that specific reasons have disappeared. The suspended bodies are listed below. Note:1.It will take up to 3 working days to be iancluded in the following table after the suspension decision. 2.When there is a change in the accreditation status of the temporarily suspended bodies, the changed accreditation status information will still be listed in "Find Facility".

{{$t("message.unitNoPunish")}} {{$t("message.punishOrgCertUnitName")}} {{$t("message.add")}} {{$t("message.suspenScope")}} {{$t("message.suspenDate")}}
{{dataItem.unitNo}} {{dataItem.institutionName}} - {{dataItem.unitName}} {{dataItem.address}}

{{dataItem.punishDate ? dataItem.punishDate.substring(0,10) : ""}}

Reducing are due to the failure to meet the accreditation specifications for certain reasons. From the date of reducing, the right to use the accreditation symbol of TAF will be reduced. Reduced bodies will be reinstated after confirming that specific reasons have disappeared. The reduced bodies are listed below. Note:1.It will take up to 3 working days to be included in the following table after the reducing decision. 2.When there is a change in the accreditation status of the temporarily reduced bodies, the changed accreditation status information will still be listed in "Find Facility".

{{$t("message.unitNoPunish")}} {{$t("message.punishOrgCertUnitName")}} {{$t("message.add")}} {{$t("message.reduceRange")}} {{$t("message.reduceDate")}}
{{dataItem.unitNo}} {{dataItem.institutionName}} - {{dataItem.unitName}} {{dataItem.address}}

{{dataItem.punishDate ? dataItem.punishDate.substring(0,10) : ""}}